Exciting things are starting to happen here at Marsh Harbour! This coming Sunday, the whole congregation is going to meet and discuss numerous ways that we can reach out to the local community.
We have a small body of believers here and they are more than willing to engage their time and talents to preach, teach, and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the locals of Abaco. We realize that God was able to take a few simple men and turn a world upside down, Acts 17:6. We also realize that if we are to be successful in our efforts to reach the peoples of Marsh Harbour and Abaco, we will need God's help. So, our first order of business is "Reaching Up!"
Collectively and individually, the church of the first century was praying church, Acts 1:24-25; 2:42; 4:23-31; 6:6; 12:5; 12:12; 13:2-3; 14:23; 20:36; 21:5. They realized from whom their strength came and called upon Him and His power to enable them.
Before we can reach out to the community around us, we must reach up to the God above us!
We will be in prayer all week prior to our congregational meeting on Sunday... reaching up to the God of Heaven. Please join us in prayers this week that God will give us direction, wisdom, courage and boldness as we seek to be obedient to Him and His word.
We will REACH UP... then,... we will REACH OUT!